
If he brings you happiness
Then I wish you all the best
It's your happiness that matters most of all
But if he ever breaks your heart
If the teardrops ever start
I'll be there before the next teardrop falls

I'll be there any time
You need me by your side
To dry away every teardrop that you cried
If he ever leaves you blue
Just remember I love you
I'll be there before the next teardrop falls

初次聽到這首扣人心弦的情歌 是高中時期吧
作詞者將深情男子無私無悔的愛 描繪得令人動容
每次聆聽總是感動莫名 涙水總不自覺地在眼眶裡打轉
愛是 "犧牲" 還是 "佔有" 見仁見智
世間最動人的承諾 莫過於
" I will stand by you "
經典老歌 一聽再聽 百聽不厭

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